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Saturday, June 8, 2024

Photos and Information from the June 1812 Meeting 2024

Honorary Vice President National Gwen Causey installed the following officers: President Michele Russell, Vice President Rebecca Chipman,  Chaplain Linda Lashley, Registrar Suzanne Palmer,  Historian Joan Hall Treasurer Cindy Sellers,and Librarian Martha Blacher ( missing from photo) for the term of office for 2024-2026 of the Daughters of 1812.

President - Michele Russell

Vice President - Rebecca Chipman

Secretary - Cheryl Lambert

Treasurer - Cindy Sellers

Registrar - Suzanne Palmer

Chaplain - Linda Lashley

Historian - Joan Hall

Librarian - Martha Blacher

President Michele Russell

President Michele Russell, Vice President Rebecca Chipman, Treasurer Cindy Sellers, Chaplain Linda Lashley, Registrar, Secretary Cheryl Lambert,  Registrar Suzanne Palmer,  Historian Joan Hall and Librarian Martha Blacher missing from photo.


Carol Jutte presented the President’s Pin and the gavel to Michele Russell. The past president's pin will be coming in the future when the National Society has a vendor.

Vice President Pat Tucker introduced our speakers Jason Gregory and Dave Robinson. They both spoke on their ancestor Corporal Israel Robison (1 Jan 1790 – 27 Nov 1852) who was in Captain
Robert Love’s Company 43rd Regt US Infantry and was stationed at Fort Johnson during the War of 1812. Mr. Gregory and Mr. Robinson gave a most interesting and enthusiastic report on their
30 years of research of their ancestor Israel and his journey from his home in Jackson County, NC where he had a land entry. During his duty at Fort Johnson, he fell from the flag post and broke his hip. He became disabled for life as his hip never healed correctly. Israel as well as many men in his unit endured through terrible conditions as they lacked proper clothing, food and pay as militia. He was honorably discharged at Craney Island Virginia and had to travel 450
miles to his home where he faced financial ruin as he was not able to make payment on his land entry. His widow who lived to be 92 was able to finally receive a Widow’s pension.

                        Dave Robinson and Jason Gregory - guest speakers