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Monday, December 23, 2019

Commissioner Charles Gause No.433 Chapter of the National Society of the United States Daughters of 1812 distributed wreaths to hundreds of people to place on graves at The Wreaths Across America event on December 14, 2019, at Wilmington National Cemetery, Wilmington, NC. They united with other organizations that day to make this a success.

Wreaths Across America - Let's Put a Wreath on Every Grave 
There are over 5,000 graves at the Wilmington National Cemetery. We were very close to placing a wreath on every grave, but often people wait until the last minute to purchase a wreath. Let’s start early next year and begin buying wreaths as soon as January 2020. Wreaths may be purchased in memory or in honor of someone. Goggle the website below to go directly to the 1812 Wreaths Across America site. Each wreath costs $15 and can be paid by credit card.  Provide your e-mail address and you will receive a receipt. There are many other organizations that are sponsoring Wreaths Across America, so be sure you have your group’s ID# and location # when ordering a wreath. The location is Wilmington National Cemetery or NCWNCE and the Group ID# for the Commissioner Charles Gause 1812 group is NC00025P. If anyone wants to purchase a wreath and credit a different sponsor their specific Group ID number must be given. The cemetery code will remain the same. Orders can be made from the main website at or by mail to Wreaths Across America, P.O. Box 249, Columbia Falls, ME 04623. You can all call 877-385 9504 to place an order. Let’s get started early next year and be ensure a wreath on every grave.There is also a Wreaths Across America Tab on this blog. You can make a difference by just buying one wreath. 

L to R: Commissioner Charles Gause Chapter Members L to R: Carol Jutte, Phyllis Wilson, Carol Hart, Wreaths Across America Chair and Marth Blacher

Carl Hart, Wreaths Across America Chair placed a wreath on a veteran's grave.