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Friday, September 7, 2018

Wilmington VA Clinic is in Need of Some Food Items

Our Wilmington VA Clinic is in need of some food items. Tyra Hoffman, MBA , Voluntary Service Specialist has listed some items that could be donated from our 1812 chapter. They will be collected by Dale Spencer at our October 6th meeting. Location will be given later. Dale will have a box for donations and a smaller box for money donations at our first meeting. If anyone has any questions they can reach Tyra Hoffman at 910-343-5300 Ext 3685 or e-mail her at

Above are some samples of some items that the Veterans could use. Snacks(individualized snacks - peanut butter, cheese, etc can be anything as long as they are individualized snacks. It is easier to distribute to our Veterans. They could also you individualized packets of Spenda, sweet n'low or equal. Cups and Lids: prefer 8 oz. Styrofoam cups * we need lids because it prevents spills in the facility) Coffee stirrers and Coffee - prefer the containers