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Monday, January 22, 2018

Commissioner Charles Gause No. 433 Chapter of US Daughters of 1812 Will Meet on February 3, 2018

Commissioner Charles Gause No. 433 Chapter of US Daughters of 1812 will host their first meeting of the new year on February 3, 2018.  Chris Grimes from Roper, NC and Chapter President SAR, historical reenactor will do a program on the War of 1812 US Navy Medicine in North Carolina. This will be a general medicine talk, but will highlight the asst. surgeon and contract surgeons that took care of our sailors along the coast of NC.The meeting will be held at the St. James Community Center, which is on Hwy. 211 at 10:00 am. Check in at the Community Center and the room location will be given at that time. This group will meet for lunch at the San Felipe Mexican Restaurant in Southport NC.Contact Kathy Miller, our vice-president at or our registrar, Cindy Sellers at