Gwen Causey was the guest speaker at the Commissioner Charles Gause Chapter of US Daughters of 1812 on October 6, 2019 at the Southport Gourmet and Sushi Restaurant in Southport, NC. The program was on the dedication of the monument erected on Deadman's Island, Halifax, Nova Scotia in May, 2012 and the marker dedication in February, 2019 for the 15 men who died in prison in Bermuda.
Kathy Miller, Presidsent and Cindy Sellers, Vice-President are holding a sample of the children's book that will be delivered to numerous elementary school librarians in five counties in NC. Last year the program was so successful that Kathy and Cindy decided with the approval of the membership to do it again this year.We do need members to volunteer to deliver the books. More details will follow.
Judy O'Shields posing for a photo at the October 1812 meeting.