Commissioner Charles Gause No.433 Chapter of the National Society of the United States Daughters of 1812 is a non-profit, non-political volunteer women's organization, which promotes patriotism and knowledge of the history of the American people. Contact the web manager, Phyllis Wilson at or President, Michele Russell at
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Sunday, June 9, 2024
“Spirit of 1812 Award” Presented to Honorary Vice President National Gwen Causey
Saturday, June 8, 2024
Photos and Information from the June 1812 Meeting 2024
Honorary Vice President National Gwen Causey installed the following officers: President Michele Russell, Vice President Rebecca Chipman, Chaplain Linda Lashley, Registrar Suzanne Palmer, Historian Joan Hall, Treasurer Cindy Sellers, and Librarian Martha Blacher ( missing from photo) for the term of office for 2024-2026 of the Daughters of 1812.
Vice President - Rebecca Chipman
Secretary - Cheryl Lambert
Treasurer - Cindy Sellers
Registrar - Suzanne Palmer
Chaplain - Linda Lashley
Historian - Joan Hall
Librarian - Martha Blacher
Carol Jutte presented the President’s Pin and the gavel to Michele Russell. The past president's pin will be coming in the future when the National Society has a vendor.