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Sunday, June 9, 2024

“Spirit of 1812 Award” Presented to Honorary Vice President National Gwen Causey

“Spirit of 1812 Award” Presented to Honorary Vice President National Gwen Causey

Honorary Vice President National, Gwen Causey, a multigenerational native of Brunswick County, received the coveted “Spirit of 1812 Award” from then-President Carol Jutte of the Commissioner Charles Gause 1812 Chapter for recognition of her continued contributions to our society and to the community. The award was presented at the June 1st, 1812, meeting held in Southport, NC.  

The medal was framed along with the award and with the chapter’s congratulations. Honorary Vice President National Gwen Causey is a member of the Snap Dragon 1812 Chapter and was nominated by the Board of the Commissioner General Gause No 433 Chapter of US Daughters of 1812.  2011 was the founding “The Friend of Fort Caswell Rifle Range”. Gwen was one who was instrumental in helping organize this nonprofit whose purpose was saving the World War I era Rifle Pit. The United States War Department proposed the construction of a rifle range on January 1, 1918, adjacent to Fort Caswell, NC, for small arms training of soldiers “in view of the immediate necessity for instruction of men destined for over-seas duty” in World War I. This site was almost completely buried, and the organization saved it, and it is now marked as a historical site.
In 2014, Gwen was a driving force and planner for the 200th Anniversary Celebration of the Star-Spangled Banner, held on the riverfront on the historic Fort Johnson Garrison lawn in Southport on September 9, 2014, with dignitaries and speakers, as well as a large crowd.
After the marker was destroyed by a hurricane in 2020, Gwen worked with Commissioner Charles Gause Chapter and the Snap Dragon Chapter to arrange funding for the replacement and installation of a replica of the earlier National Marker at the Deep-Water Point Encampment site. This was accomplished and a dedication ceremony was held in June 2022 with Gwen as the speaker.
Gwen had written many articles for local historical societies and genealogical magazines, as well as having written several family history books that are in various libraries in the county including the Brunswick Community College. Gwen compiled cemetery records for Brunswick County by traveling to every cemetery and recording from the headstones.
Gwen is a regular guest speaker at the Brunswick County Historical Society and the Sunset Harbor Fishing Club writing and speaking on the history of Brunswick County. She speaks on colonial times, wars and the history of the residents of the area.
In addition to numerous other offices, Gwen is an Honorary Vice President of our society and served as NC State President 1991-1994.

This is the last photo taken of Then President, Carol Jutte presenting Honorary Vice President National Gwen Causey  the “Spirit of 1812 Award.” at the June 1st, 1812 meeting. 

Honorary Vice President National, Gwen Causey,  former General Gause 1812 President Betsy Hamer placed a Remembrance Wreath on the Memorial Marker.

NC USD State President,  Laura Edwards,  Honorary Vice President National Gwen Causey, President of the Snap Dragon 1812 Chapter, Faye Floyd, attended the dedication of the Deep Water Point 1812-1814 Marker at Deep Point Marina & Yacht Club

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Photos and Information from the June 1812 Meeting 2024

Honorary Vice President National Gwen Causey installed the following officers: President Michele Russell, Vice President Rebecca Chipman,  Chaplain Linda Lashley, Registrar Suzanne Palmer,  Historian Joan Hall, Treasurer Cindy Sellers, and Librarian Martha Blacher ( missing from photo) for the term of office for 2024-2026 of the Daughters of 1812.

President - Michele Russell

Vice President - Rebecca Chipman

Secretary - Cheryl Lambert

Treasurer - Cindy Sellers

Registrar - Suzanne Palmer

Chaplain - Linda Lashley

Historian - Joan Hall

Librarian - Martha Blacher

President Michele Russell

President Michele Russell, Vice President Rebecca Chipman, Treasurer Cindy Sellers, Chaplain Linda Lashley, Secretary Cheryl Lambert, Registrar Suzanne Palmer, Historian Joan Hall, and Librarian Martha Blacher missing from the photo.


Carol Jutte presented the President’s Pin and the gavel to Michele Russell. The past president's pin will be coming in the future when the National Society has a vendor.

Vice President Pat Tucker introduced our speakers Jason Gregory and Dave Robinson. They both spoke on their ancestor Corporal Israel Robison (1 Jan 1790 – 27 Nov 1852) who was in Captain
Robert Love’s Company 43rd Regt US Infantry and was stationed at Fort Johnson during the War of 1812. Mr. Gregory and Mr. Robinson gave a most interesting and enthusiastic report on their
30 years of research of their ancestor Israel and his journey from his home in Jackson County, NC where he had a land entry. During his duty at Fort Johnson, he fell from the flag post and broke his hip. He became disabled for life as his hip never healed correctly. Israel as well as many men in his unit endured through terrible conditions as they lacked proper clothing, food and pay as militia. He was honorably discharged at Craney Island Virginia and had to travel 450
miles to his home where he faced financial ruin as he was not able to make payment on his land entry. His widow who lived to be 92 was able to finally receive a Widow’s pension.

                        Dave Robinson and Jason Gregory - guest speakers