War of 1812 pension files—a fitting beginning to the bicentennial commemoration of a war which has been called our nation's "Second War of Independence." These images will be available to genealogy researcers and the public for free. Contributions to this project have already made these files available.
Why Are The War of 1812 Pension Records So Important?
FGS is committed to projects such as the Preserve the Pensions – War of 1812 Pension Digitization Fund that link the genealogical community by advancing the cause of preserving records and making them more accessible to the public.
FGS is proud to be leading the national fundraising to support this project and is actively seeking donations from genealogical and historical societies, patriotic and military heritage societies,
as well as interested corporations and individuals. Ancestry.com and Fold3 are providing a
dollar-for-dollar match of each donation through a provision of services.
The above article has been taken from this web site. http://www.fgs.org/cstm_PreserveThePensions.php
You can click on the address and get more information about this project and see how you can donated to it.